
Sunday, August 31, 2008

Event: Be Part of the NS Portol Mobihunt 2008 Treasurehunt Challenge in Singapore

Mobihunt 2008 is back. mobiHunt is an event run by the NS Portal (ns.sg) ( A portal to serve our Singapore NS men).

What is mobiHunt?
Simply its the Singapore version of the Amazing Race, on a smaller but more high tech level.
Participants are required to search for answers to the clues in different areas around Singapore. Participants (mobiHunters) will be using their mobile phone to receive their clues. They will travel from one location to another around Singapore to look for answers to the clue questions. Those who answer all the clue questions correctly and arrive at the finishing point in the shortest time will win.

1st prize is $1,500 Cash
2nd prize is $1,000 Cash
3rd Prize is $500 cash

There are also more consolation prizes. For more details, click the mobiHunt website

How is this possible? Its all possible with the help of a company called NCS. NCS is Singapore's biggest local IT system integrator. And with the mobiHunt event NCS will provide the location based technology required forthis event. The technology is called LBS which simply means location based service.

You can register for the exciting mobiHunt 2008 online today at

For those registering & participating in the event, i wish you all good luck. May the force be with you.

Pic: The mobihunt 2008 website is user friendly & nicely designed

1 comment:

Ariel said...

Look out for the various mobiHunt 2008 banners on the net.

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