
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

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Monday, April 28, 2008

What Are You Searching for?

We all find ourselves searching, at one point or another. Whether for a partner in life, a better job, a way to get in better shape, or something as basic as more happiness in life. In fact, most of us spend a major portion of our life in search.

We search and we search. We look in books, and buy the latest expert advice promising to guide us to the answers. We watch Oprah Winfrey (certainly, she must know). If not then one of her guests, after all they have written a book. We go to the seminars, lectures, workshops, and buy the latest infomercial gadget, program, and miracle that will only take seven days.

When that has not worked, we watch The Secret, because that must be it! It must be a secret and that is why you do not have it yet. Still even after The Secret and all the advice, gizmos, gadgets and promises of the life you want--you still find yourself searching.

Searching and searching yet never finding the answer you need. You know it is out there. You are sure it is. As long as you keep looking, you will find it. After all you deserve to have a great relationship, earn money at a career you like, lose weight and find your happiness, don’t you?

What if you could find the answer, what would you do? I am sure that to find how to accomplish the results you want you would do just about anything, wouldn’t you?

You would. Wouldn’t you?

Of course, you would.

I am glad you agree. You would do what it takes to find the answer you have searched for with such investment. Since we agree, I am going to reveal the answer you have been searching for, right here, right now. However, I reveal it with the agreement that you will to do what it takes for this answer. You said you would. If not, read no further. You are willing to do what it takes? If you agree, then proceed to discover the answer to everything you want.

Caution Caution Caution

Proceed only if you want to create the life you want…

In order to be able to read the answer you will need a mirror. You don’t think the answer will be in plain sight, do you? If it were that simple, surely you would have found it already. On the other hand, maybe it has been in plain sight. You just missed it all these years.

Ok, take a good look in the mirror. Keep looking. Just stare straight into it. See the answer? You did not see it yet? Come on, take a good look, you cannot miss it.

Still not seeing it? You must have the mirror at the wrong angle. Try shifting it or take a step closer and really stare into that mirror. Now you see it, don’t you? If you are still confused, let me help you.

When you stare into the mirror what you see is yourself. What else is there? If you are really staring into the mirror, that is all you should see, just yourself, and there is the answer! You have searched and searched all your life. But the answer to everything you want is ---- YOU!

You don’t need an expert or a gizmo, a secret or a seminar to create the life you want. The power to create the life you want is in you and it has been there all this time. All you need to do is exercise your power to take action.

You want a relationship? Then work on making yourself the best you can. After all, don’t you want someone who is attracted to you when you are active and passionate about your life? So if you like tennis, play tennis. Go to the places and do the activities you want a person to be with you doing. Then take your power, and date. Take the great You out, find ways to date, you will find someone, and over time the relationship will develop.

That person in the mirror has the power to exercise, eat right and get in great shape.

Don’t like your job? Then get training, more education, update your resume and search for a new job. Tired of not having money? Examine how you spend it and make a decision to create more wealth in your life. Whatever it is you want, there is action you can take to create it. The power to change your life is you.

Now, since you agreed that if I would reveal this answer you will do what it takes, here’s where you live up to your end of the bargain.

That is what every successful person you see and envy knows, and does. They do not buy into shortcuts and secrets. They know the responsibility to create the life they want is with them—with the decisions and actions they take.

This is the answer to creating the life you want.

Now that you know the answer, it is up to you!

For more info on a FREE eBook to improve your ATTITUDE towards life, CLICK HERE

Thursday, April 24, 2008

How to improve your confidence by impersonating confident people?

Hi Guys

Here's a inner ATTITUDE builder (AKT) - make a small list (3-5) of people you feel are really confident- these maybe real people you know- people you have watched from the movies or read in books-

Now imagine one of these people taking your place for a day- now in as much detail as you can create a fantasy of that person living your life for that day-

How does that person deal with talking to new people? How does that person hold himself in a conflict situation? How does that person deal with others? How does he dress, dance, etc.

Once you have run through that few time (2-3) repeat it over only this still imagine you have stepped in side you hosts body, and you are looking through his eyes, feeling with his hands, talking with his words, and doing everything in he is doing-

Once you have done that 2-3 time- Run through the same situations again only you do it by yourself, yet have your confidence buddy walking a long side you and you let him lead and you just mimic him-

Once you practice this 3-5 times a day for 5-7 minutes at a time after a little while- a few days weeks, your brain will habituate the process and start to run this automatically- all you need to do from time to time create tougher and tougher situations to deal/cope with- and your will see a huge leap in your business.

To improve your peak performance using NUTRITION: CLICK HERE

Monday, April 21, 2008

Do You Need Vitamin Supplements?

Even people with the best intentions sometimes fall short on their nutrient intake. For some people health supplement offers benefits that are both safe and effective. Health supplement may help when:


You're pregnant or trying to become pregnant.
During this time, you need more of certain nutrients, especially calcium, folate and iron. Folate is needed very early in pregnancy to help protect your baby against neural tube birth defects, such as incomplete closure of the spine (spina bifida). Iron helps prevent fatigue by helping you make the red blood cells necessary to deliver oxygen to you and your baby. Your doctor can recommend a dietary supplement. It's important to start taking a supplement before becoming pregnant.

You’re always on a diet.
If you're restricting your caloric intake significantly, there's a good chance that you're undernourished. Consider supplementing your diet with a general multivitamin with added calcium to ensure you're meeting your daily nutritional needs. Although vitamin supplementation isn't a substitute for healthy eating, it can serve a purpose in certain groups of people who don't get an adequate intake of fruits, vegetables, meat, or dairy based products. If you fit into one of these categories, ask your doctor if vitamin supplements would be right for you. In the meantime work on getting more vitamins and nutrients from your diet so you can stay healthy and strong.

You're a woman who has heavy menstrual bleeding. If you have heavy menstrual bleeding, you may need additional iron to replace the iron depleted by blood loss. Iron deficiency can lead to anemia, a condition in which blood is low in hemoglobin, the substance which carries oxygen to tissues. You're a postmenopausal woman. After menopause, women experience a sudden drop in estrogen levels, which increases bone loss. To keep bones strong and to decrease bone loss, you need calcium as well as vitamin D — the vitamin essential for absorbing calcium. Women who don't obtain enough calcium and vitamin D through foods could benefit from taking a calcium supplement with vitamin D.


You’re primarily a fast food eater.
If you eat on the run and frequent the notoriously unhealthy fast food restaurants, you may want to consider supplementing with a multivitamin. Many fast foods and convenience foods are notably lacking in nutritional value. A multivitamin is an inexpensive way for you to make sure you're meeting your daily requirements. Keep in mind that getting your nutrient requirements from supplements is not ideal since we don't know whether supplementation is as effective as getting your vitamins through food.

You have a medical condition that affects how your body absorbs, uses or excretes nutrients.
If your diet has limited variety because of food allergies or intolerance to certain foods, such as dairy products, you may benefit from a dietary supplement. Also, if you have a disease of your liver, gallbladder, intestines or pancreas, or if you've had surgery on your digestive tract, you may not be able to digest and absorb nutrients properly. In such cases, your doctor may recommend that you take dietary supplements. You consume less than 1,200 calories a day. Low-calorie diets limit the types and amounts of foods you eat and, in turn, the types and amounts of nutrients you receive. Unless monitored by a doctor, a low-calorie diet isn't usually recommended.

You smoke.
Tobacco decreases the absorption of many vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, folate, magnesium and calcium. But dietary supplements won't make up for the major health risks caused by smoking. The safest option is to avoid all tobacco products. You're a vegetarian. If you're a vegetarian, you may not consume enough calcium, iron, zinc and vitamins B-12 and D. You can get these nutrients naturally from non-meat sources, such as fortified soy products, green leafy vegetables, legumes, whole-grain products and nuts. If you aren't able to regularly consume these foods, dietary supplements may be necessary.

You can’t drink milk or eat cheese and yogurt.
Dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese are the biggest dietary sources of calcium and vitamin D. The greatest health risk associated with a lack of calcium and vitamin D is osteoporosis, a disease characterized by fragile bones that are more susceptible to fractures. This is especially important for adolescent and young adult women.

You drink excessively.
Long-term excessive alcohol consumption can impair the digestion and absorption of several vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B-1, iron, zinc, magnesium and folate. In addition, you may substitute alcohol for food, resulting in a diet lacking in essential nutrients. Excessive drinking is defined as more than two drinks a day for men under age 65 and more than one drink a day for men over 65 and women. Taking dietary supplements, however, won't make up for the major health risks caused by excessive alcohol consumption You don't eat well. If you eat less than five total servings of fruits and vegetables daily, it may be difficult to get all of the vitamins and minerals your body needs. Also, if you eat only one or two times a day, you may be limiting the number and variety of servings you eat from the various food groups.

To improve your peak performance using NUTRITION: CLICK HERE

Social Media Marketing Your Business to Success

Anyone who is at the leading edge of marketing, knows that Social Media Marketing is the next wave.

Theres a website called http://www.socialmediaexplorer.com/ that explore the effectiveness of using social media websites to market your business.

The lesson to be learned here is two-fold:

  1. Think about your customers first.

  2. Be brave.

Experiment & also learn from the best.



To improve your peak performance using NUTRITION: CLICK HERE

How to Achieve Financial Freedom?

Posted by: "Kings Network Office" slimmingsecrets@gmail.com

Hi team,

This is another tool specially arranged to help you "FIND the people who are LOOKING for you". Are you going to make the BEST of it?

Set a GOAL - How many people (especially NEW people) are you going to BRING to the talk so that you can HELP them make SMART decision to attend the May WLS...and Go Diamond?

All the Best,

Ali R.
'Financial Intelligence & Financial Independence'

- How to Achieve it?


a.. A 2 hours candid talk on what it takes to achieve financial Intelligence and financial independence.
b.. The talk also enlightens the audience on ways to appreciate, save, make, grow and manage money.
c.. The talk creates an awareness in the audience on the need to have the Right Mental Attitude and Positive Financial Habits to achieve financial freedom.

Outline of Talk
At the end of the talk, the audience will be able to understand:-

v Myths and Truths about wealth

v The value of Money and the effects of inflation

v Financial Fitness Checkup - how healthy are you financially?

v 10 mistakes people make in money management

v 17 ways the Wealthy think differently from the Poor and the Middle-income

v 8 steps to achieve Financial Independence

v 20 Positive Financial Habits

v How to achieve the Wealth Ratio?

v The difference between Passive Income and Active Income

v Multiple streams of cashflow! - how do you create it?

v The Right Mental attitude needed in achieving financial freedom




DATE : 18th April2008 (Friday)

TIME: 7.30 p.m. SHARP (Registration starts from 7.30 p.m.)

WHERE : Suntec City Exhibition Centre, Level 2, Room 202

FEE : SGD $5 per Person

PLATINUMs.......please collect tickets for your group from Emerald direct

How to Be Really Happy?

I would say first it is important to define what is 'happy'.

Some people say 'if I just drove a lambroghini then I will be happy'... which I think that is a load of bumpikis.

Wealth and fame and all that... it does not bring true happiness.

In fact the most happy people are generally not as well off. There is reason for this.

My tips would be:

1. Get out of debt. Nothing like the stress of payments looming over your head can ruin a persons day.

2. Live simple. Have a simple plan in achieving something of value.

3. The people with the least cannot rely on material goods to make them happpy, mainly because they don't have a lot of material goods. So they rely on something else. What is that something else?

4. Your true happiness is in loving the people around you. Learn to appreciate and love and be grateful for the people around you.

If you train yourself to think in positives--especially about people...That guy has talent... that guy is smart... that girl is pretty... that girl can sing... and to think about the positives of other people this is a start.

You should not think in terms of comparing yourself to them. But rather being truly happy for those people...

You can try to learn about people... the more of a 'learning' attitude you take even from the most seemingly unimportant people it will make you happy.

If you make other people feel happy and important, and wanted and loved... in that process of doing that you will find yourself being more happy. You don't have to do something crazy or obvious, but even just conversations like 'oh wow, is that your baby! oh she is so cute!... wow you must be a great mom! look at her smile!' You cannot fake it though. Your appreciation for others must be real.

I can write a lot of other tips... but be simple, live simple, and love the people around you. Build them up, and in the process of building you will be building yourself too.

Weight Loss Performance - CLICK HERE http://www.performancelifestyle.myfrens.com

Double X for Peak Performance - CLICK HERE

3 Things about Hapiness

Happiness can be viewed as a three legged stool all needing to be the same length.

Relationships - I know several local guys, older and very rich. They have focused on their money and are very sad and lonely. They talk about their workers who never call and are also embarked on their own journey to amass "stuff." They can only talk about their money. What they have, the trips they take (alone) and the crap they have accumulated. They are real bores with no real friends. OTOH I know guys in the Philippine provinces who have very little ( a pig and a rice paddy), but they are surrounded by children, grandchildren and life long friends. Relationships with the spouse tend to be the most difficult to build and maintain - blending the wants needs and desires of two people takes a lot of give and take. But having caring healthy, giving relationships is the first step to being happy.

Career / Vocation - Making money is not a career. Being the boss is not a career. Career is a lifelong endeavor of doing that which you enjoy doing. It is very difficult when young to decide what to do with the rest of your life, but seeing as how you will spend so much time doing it, make sure it is something you have a genuine interest in. I had a friend in college. He started mowing grass to make extra money - we all thought he was crazy but he decided to stay at it. He loved being outdoors and decided to not live a life behind a desk. We wondered how he could ever get "rich" doing that. He runs his own landscaping company with a multi-million dollar turnover, is very secure, and fit, and loves his life.

Wealth - Wealth is the accumulation of security. When you are young you don't need much of it but as you get older it becomes more important. However wealth is not about what you can spend. Wealth is about what you save. I see time and time again people being pointed out as wealthy because they have the right car, the right golf clubs and go on the right vacations. Their kids go to the right schools and their wives have baubles hanging on their necks and arms. Then you find out there is no money in the bank and they are tens of thousands in debt. Wealth is simple - spend less than you earn and don't finance anything.

Weight Loss Performance - CLICK HERE http://www.performancelifestyle.myfrens.com

Double X for Peak Performance - CLICK HERE

How to Lose Weight Fast?

Want to slim down fast for that beach vacation or school reunion or prom? While there are many things you can do to shed pounds, losing weight too quickly, like any sudden change to your body, can be dangerous. While fad diets, diet pills, and fasting may indeed induce rapid weight loss, these methods can cause you to lose muscle and may also injure your heart and other organs fairly quickly. The best solution? Don’t go for an overnight miracle. Instead, follow these steps to lose fat rapidly, healthily, and sustainably.


Determine your daily calorie intake. Losing weight is simply a matter of expending more calories than you take in, through exercise and your daily activities. Exercise alone won’t make you lose weight if you’re still taking in more calories than you burn. However, eating less and exercising more will only decrease your resting metabolic rate, which accounts for roughly 60-80 percent of daily calorie expenditure. Therefore you should exercise harder and eat more protein dense, clean foods; making your calories burned not too far off from your calories taken in will raise your metabolism and allow you to burn fat effortlessly.

Weight Loss

Write down all the things you eat on a typical day. Carry a small notebook with you and write down every snack, every drink, and the contents of every meal. There are also great websites that you can use to keep track of calories, get recipes, and help achieve your goal. Don’t forget to include the pats of butter or the spoonful of sugar in your coffee. It’s best to do this for at least a couple weekdays and a weekend; it’s even better if you can go a full week. There are also calorie tracking websites that can help you to do this, for example the US government website, My Pyramid Tracker.

Do an itemized calorie count. When possible, write down the number of calories in each thing you eat as you eat it. Keep in mind that the recommended serving size is often considerably smaller than the serving you actually eat. Look up the calorie count on the internet for foods that don’t have calories listed on the container or for fast food meals. You don’t have to be 100% accurate, but you do want a good estimate of the number of calories you’re taking in. There is an idea that multiplying your own weight by ten will produce a rough estimate of the number of calories you need to eat per day to maintain your weight. This is NOT true, you may wind up grossly under (or perhaps over) estimating the number of calories you should be eating. Use a scientific or health website to determine the number of calories you should eat a day or consult your doctor. Everyone has different metabolisms and there is no blanket rule that covers everyone’s recommended calorie intake. Reducing 500 calories per day from the calories you eat to maintain your weight can help you lose a pound of fat per week.[1]

Go over the list and decide which foods to cut out or reduce. Cutting calories is usually a lot easier than you might think. For example, that daily tall latte in the morning may pack 500 calories. Since a pound of flab (lost or gained) is roughly equivalent to 3,500 calories, replacing that rich beverage with black coffee can help you lose a pound a week. Other easy cuts include salad dressing (salad dressing is the number one source of fat in the average American woman’s diet) soda pop, candy, and butter. Look at the nutritional information for the foods you eat, pay special attention to your intake of saturated fats and empty calories (high-sugar foods). You don’t need to cut these things out entirely, but if you reduce your intake of high-fat, high-calorie foods you’ll lose weight faster.

Seek out alternatives to the unhealthy foods you’ve identified. You can simply reduce the amount of soda you drink or mayonnaise you put on your sandwiches, or you can substitute healthier choices. Drink water instead of soda, for example, or use mustard instead of mayo. Low-fat and low-calorie options are also available for most foods, and many of these are natural, (although some are made with strange chemicals), and tasty.

Choose lean meats. Chicken and fish are both very low in fat (and certain fish like salmon, sardines, and fresh tuna are an excellent source of antioxidants, which are also beneficial to your health), so aim to replace some or all of the beef or pork in your diet with these foods.

Replace high-calorie side dishes with healthier alternatives. Many people get a ton of calories from side dishes such as macaroni and cheese, French fries, or potato salad. You can eat healthier and lose weight by replacing these with fresh vegetables and salads. Pre-made salads are practically effortless, and when accompanied by a reduced-calorie dressing or no dressing at all, they’re weight-loss gold.

Start your days off right. A fattening breakfast of bacon and eggs or a pastry can be replaced with yogurt, oatmeal, high-fiber, low-sugar cereals; or fresh fruit for fruit smoothies. However, for those on a low carb diet bacon and eggs are a great combo for breakfast, since neither have carbs. But don’t fall into the trap of skipping breakfast. Eating a healthy breakfast increases your rest metabolic rate earlier in the day, and reduces snacking before lunch.


Plan your meals. Look for healthy, delicious meals online or in your cookbooks, and create a menu for the week. Make sure that your meal plan reduces your total calorie intake: you’re not going to lose weight if you consume the same amount of calories by eating different foods. Make a list of what you’ll need for these meals, and — except for a few snacks, of course — don’t stray from your list when you get to the market. Planning your meals helps ensure you get a balanced diet and reduces the temptation to stop off for fast food or order a pizza. Remember, it’s easier to stick to your shopping list if you shop when you aren’t hungry.

Watch your portion sizes. Opening a bag of rice cakes and eating all of them in one sitting isn’t going to help you lose weight. When eating chips, nuts, or dried fruit put a portion in a small bowl and then put the bag away. That way you won’t mindlessly eat a larger portion than you had intended. Even if you only make minimal changes to your diet choices, reducing portion size will inevitably reduce caloric intake. A great way to watch portion sizes while snacking is to buy one serving 100 calorie packages - and they come in many favorite snack food items!

Graze on healthy snacks. Just because you’re getting healthy doesn’t mean you can’t snack. In fact, eating small meals and snacks throughout the day, or grazing, has been shown to aid weight loss, (compared to eating three large meals a day), by keeping metabolism steadier. Pick snacks that are low in calories and fat and high in fiber (dried apricots, nuts, rice cakes, fruits, baby carrots, cherry tomatoes, and so on). Vegetables are generally very low in calories, very high in fiber, and full of flavor and nutrition. Avoid starchy vegetables like potatoes, and try to eat vegetables plain, without fatty dressings or dips. Fruit also makes a good snack. Fruit contains more soluble fiber than vegetables, which slows your body’s absorption of carbohydrates, thus releasing energy more slowly, (preventing sugar highs), and keeping you feeling full longer. Fruit juices are not a replacement for the real thing. You need that fiber, and juices often have more calories than the equivalent serving of fruit — as many calories as soda! Be careful with dried fruits, because without the water, you tend to eat more, and fruits, when dried, are calorie-rich per ounce. With any dry or dried food, be sure to drink plenty of water.

Get more fiber. There are many myths about fiber, but there is science to back up its helpful role in the diet. Fiber keeps the right amount of water in your intestines, making your digestive system work more efficiently and helping to keep you regular. Thus, just eating enough fiber may help you feel slimmer in just a day or so. There is also evidence that fiber in the diet can help prevent stroke and heart disease, ease the effects of diabetes, and may even directly help in weight loss.

Drink plenty of water. Adequate water is essential for health, and a great many people simply don’t get enough. What’s more, if you’re chronically dehydrated, your body will retain water in unflattering places, so if you make sure to get plenty of fluids you can start visibly trimming down in as little as a day. Remember, the more you exercise, the more water you’ll need. See the related wikiHow for more details on how much water you should be getting.

Exercise. Remember, you can lose weight either by decreasing your calorie intake or increasing the number of calories you burn. Any health strategy should include both, but if you want to lose weight fast, exercise is essential.

Perform high-level aerobic activities. Moderate aerobic workouts incorporating jogging, brisk walking, cycling, aerobic machines, or classes not only burn calories — they also keep your heart healthy. Swimming is also great, especially if you are quite overweight or have joint problems, because you can get the same benefits of running — typically burning even more calories — with much less stress on your joints. Try to get at least 30-40 minutes of aerobic exercise at least three or four days per week.

Pump some iron. Resistance training, (weight training), can help both sexes stay lean by building muscle and raising metabolism. The fact is, hours and hours of aerobic exercise won’t help most people lose weight fast because your metabolism drops back to normal fairly quickly after stopping the exercise. If you gain muscle, however, your body’s resting metabolism, (the amount of calories you burn when you’re just sitting still), increases, because muscle requires a lot of calories to maintain. Studies have shown consistent weight training to raise the body’s metabolism by 15%. This means an average woman might burn 200-300 more calories at rest every day! Resistance training is the gift that keeps on giving! Although, keep in mind that muscle mass weighs more than fat (don’t be surprised if you gain weight but look slimmer).

Rest properly. This means not only taking at least 24-48 hours between strength training the same muscles, (and taking 1-2 days off from exercising each week); it also means getting enough sleep at night, since sleep deficiency impairs your ability to lose fat.

Be realistic. Don’t expect a miracle. Healthy weight loss can be achieved fairly quickly, but you’ll need to be patient. In addition, be sure to set realistic goals. Make sure that the weight you’re trying to reach is a healthy weight for you, and keeping in mind that gaining pounds of muscle will help you lose fat, be trimmer, and look better even though you don’t actually lose any weight. Your goal should be a healthy body, not a number of pounds! Everyone looks good at a different weight. A short person may look really good at about 112 pounds, but a person of a taller height would just look unhealthy. Keep yourself at a weight that makes you look good, not at a number that sounds good.

Make adjustments. A successful weight loss strategy based on reducing calorie intake and increasing activity can be adjusted to maintain your desired weight once you reach it. Unlike typical diets, this method is sustainable — it is a lifestyle change, not a binge-and-purge exercise. Slowly adjust your diet and exercise to include more weight training and calories, as much as is comfortable for you. If you do gain any weight back, you want that weight to be lean, toned muscle, not fat. In addition, weight training, no matter what your age, prevents muscle atrophy and can help stave off osteoporosis.
Instead of thinking of it as losing a certain amount of pounds, think of it as being a certain weight. So if you are 145 pounds, and you would like to lose 10 pounds, think of it as being 135 pounds. This helps you think about it as a long-term goal and not just losing the weight to gain it back again.

Be confident. You need to believe in yourself! If you want to diet, and you know that it will make you feel better, then you need confidence. Otherwise, the temptation to cheat on your diet will make it harder, and you will not feel better when you do lose weight. Avoid temptations like chocolate, ice cream, and cookies. They may taste good, but there are other foods that taste delicious, too, without being unhealthy. You need to always encourage yourself to achieve the goals that you have set. Learn to evaluate your efforts fairly and objectively. If you fail to achieve your target for the week, find out why is it so. Is it because you have missed a jogging session? Or you have been eating junk food for one of the days? After evaluating, look ahead to next week and try your best to stick to your plan.[2]

Be consistent and disciplined, and have self motivation. To lose weight effectively, you need to stick to your weight loss plan religiously so as to see results. When you have the thought of giving up, visualize how good you will look when you manage to slim down successfully.


It’s very good to do a blood test before you begin your new diet and exercise regimen. Some people may not need to lose a lot of weight, but they may need to lower the blood sugar level slightly. You can also check for mineral deficiencies.

The goal is to lose fat, not just weight in general. If you are doing strength training during your weight loss (which you should be), you might actually see an initial gain in weight — don’t worry! You have probably lost fat and gained muscle, which is denser than fat and is much healthier.

A better measurement than what a scale reads is body fat percent. If you don’t have access to calipers or a body fat scale, a better gauge is how your clothes fit and how you look rather than your absolute weight. If you can, though, it is good to measure your body fat about once per month. Men should be between 15%-25%, but no lower than 4%; and women 20%-30%, but no lower than 15%. Females have higher fat percentage due to pregnancy and menstrual requirements.

Generally, you want to - with a combination of calorie reduction and increased activity - reduce and burn a certain number of calories a day, causing a net loss of calories so your body is forced to use its own stores of fat. How much aerobic exercise you need to perform depends on what you eat, how fast you’d like to lose weight, and how much muscle you gain. A pound of fat contains 3500 calories. Men can safely lose around two pounds a week, and women can safely lose around one pound a week. Any more than this and you might be losing more muscle mass than fat. Thus, with a combination of calorie restriction and aerobic exercise, a man should aim to run a 3500-7000 calorie deficit each week, and women should aim for a 1750-3500 calorie deficit.

With regard to weights, men and women differ on their goals with weight training. Women, don’t worry, no amount of weight training will make you as bulky as a man; women just don’t have enough testosterone to build large muscles. Male and female beginners should start with 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions, and should use the heaviest weight you can while still maintaining good form, even to the last repetition of the last set. Get a weight training book or find a reputable website that will show you different exercises and the correct form. When lifting properly, you will stretch the muscle during the exercise, but you should still stretch properly to prevent injury!

No matter what the magazine article says, spot improving is a myth! When your body burns fat, it takes it from all over your body, even if all you do are crunches. No amount of crunches will get rid of that gut if they are not backed up by proper aerobic exercise and TOTAL diet! Washboard abs do not come from millions of sit ups; they come from having low levels of body fat. So if that is your goal, make sure you do plenty of aerobic exercise in addition to your ab routine.

Sugar comes in many disguises. Check your food labels: fructose, glucose, molasses, and corn syrup are all sugars. Limit all sugars, but especially stay away from high-fructose corn syrup. It is just a corn syrup full of sugar. Choosing foods without it will help you reach your weight loss goals faster.

Remember your body needs ‘fuel’ just like a car needs ‘fuel’. Your body needs the ‘right’ kinds of food to lose weight effectively.

Don’t taunt yourself by not letting yourself eat the occasional snack that you’re craving. Just make sure you burn it off later with exercise


Despite popular belief it is not terrible to eat after 6 p.m. A reasonable dinner (with extra protein if you’ve had a good weight training session) is going to help deliver nutrients to the body to prepare it for the next day. Additionally if you find yourself very hungry before bed, a small bowl of high fiber cereal and low fat milk will actually help maintain your metabolism while you sleep. The key is to not overeat in the evenings.

Take a multivitamin. While it is better to always get your nutrients from your food, most people miss something in their diet, especially when they’re trying to cut calories. Vitamins and minerals play an important role in keeping your body chemistry balanced and your energy levels healthy. For more information on recommended vitamins for healthy weight loss click here.

If you find yourself missing some of your favorite foods, don’t worry. There is no harm in having your treat once a week. Pick a day each week where you treat yourself to your guilty pleasure–remember, everything in moderation. If it’s pizza, try going to a gourmet pizza place that will use better ingredients and fresher vegetables. If it’s a Big Mac, try making your own. A homemade burger is generally much healthier than the food they serve in fast food restaurants. Electric grills that are slanted to allow most of the fat to slide off make nice, lean burgers.


Save some calories for potassium and protein for after you work out, this will help reduce soreness. (A banana and an egg does the trick.)

Do not forget to stretch. Stretching can help increase your strength and flexibility.
Cut down on your sodium. Many prepared foods have as much as 30% of your daily value. You get your daily requirement of sodium from a healthy diet; too much can cause you to retain water weight.

Try not to skip any meals as this only makes your body to retain fats for energy. A good weight loss plan is to eat healthily and exercise regularly.


Do not try to starve yourself. In the short run, reducing your calorie intake to unhealthily low levels will slow metabolism and actually cause you to lose weight more slowly. Then your body cannot process potassium so when you DO eat again, (the alternative to dying,) you will gain much more weight than you would if you weren’t starving yourself and overall, you may end up gaining more than you lost.

Ali Rahmat is a professional Weight Loss Expert in Singapore

Weight Loss Performance - CLICK HERE http://www.performancelifestyle.myfrens.com

Thursday, April 17, 2008

7 Day Cream - Whiten Your Skin in 7 Days

In the month of May we are giving away FREE samples. To get your FREE sample simply email abbylaptops@gmail.com with the subject FREE SAMPLE WANTED FOR 7 DAY CREAMTogether with your NAME & MOBILE NUMBER so we can confirm your request

The 7 Day Cream - MNA Series whitens your face in just 7 days.
Specially formulated with natural Vitamin E & AHA to not only whitens but also acts as an Anti-Aging solution, keeping your face looking much younger & preventing wrinkles.

The unique active ingredients of moisture and nutrient can promote skin metabolism,and increase the cell activity and elasticity. It is especially effective to control acne blemish and chap on your skin. And it can also eliminate the harsh environment injury to the skin, like scars.

UNIQUE 3 IN 1 (Moisturise, Toner, Regenerate)

The 7 Day Cream is unique because it acts as a moisturiser, toner & cell regeneration agent, all in one simple cream. You won't have to buy 3 seperate items anymore. So if you are using a seperate Moisturiser, Toner & Skin Cell Regeneration Cream, its time to toss them out and get one simple 7 Day Cream & save money at the same time.

The ingredients contined inside the 7 Day Cream has been used by beauties in Asia & China for centuries. Now this formula is out with the help of modern internet technology to distribute it and show the world & western world the effectiveness of this skin formula.

I have been using the 7 Day Cream for my face & body for 7 years now and so as my fellow nurse friends. And I am very much satisfied with the results. Most friends and other people saying that I had a healthy white clear smooth baby face. I am already 28 years of age turning 29 but most of them saying that I still looks like 20 or 21. No one really believes at my real age.

I do not use any other creams on my face , just Mena alone. Instead of using foundation or any compact face powder, I use Mena as my under make-up and then top it with johnsons baby face powder or Ponds face powder(Pink for pinkish look). You can even use it as a moisturiser, as I have read on the label it contains Vit.E.

The results were good for me. I am still maintaining the cream until now. It really works for me.The results were semi matte and natural looking , unlike any other creams which looks so oily and the foundations can feel heavy or can dry and damage your facial skin if to be used daily. I am using the cream on my face and neck to even the whiteness and smoothness, and also in my underarm as deodorant, in which also whitens and smoothens my underarm as well.
Hope this helps....good luck!


NOTE: The distributor box sold at $528 contains 12 units of the 7 Day Cream. $44 each

To get distributor pricing you need to order a minimum of 12 quantities.

In the month of May we are giving away FREE samples. To get your FREE sample simply email abbylaptops@gmail.com with the subject FREE SAMPLE WANTED FOR 7 DAY CREAM

Together with your NAME & MOBILE NUMBER so we can confirm your request.

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