
Thursday, June 12, 2008

Social networks for various groups

https://www.imedexchange.com - for medical people

http://www.adgabber.com - for marketing pros

http://activerain.com - for real estate poeple

You can use social networking for internet marketing as another tool.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Any ideas on how to explain your designs?

Have you ever had that feeling of How to better explain your design to your clients, so they make less changes or so they prefer your design & not whatever funny ideas they have in their heads.

Well anybody have any tips on How to better explain your design to your clients?
Post them here in my comments area.

One idea i'm looking into is the use of NLP to explain our designs so they can be more readily accepted & less changes made. So any NLP experts here can help with some scripts that would be great.

I have also aked those brilliant people on Yahoo Answers:

My Cool Wish List

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Slimming Industry Business Preview


7 Sep 2008, 7.30pm, This Sunday

Ming Arcade, Basement 3. Orchard

Meet At:
Orchard MRT

The slimming industry is one of the fatest growing industry worldwide. Learn how you can ride this wave of opportunity and help women & men all over the world to lose weight & slim down & look beautiful always.

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