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We all find ourselves searching, at one point or another. Whether for a partner in life, a better job, a way to get in better shape, or something as basic as more happiness in life. In fact, most of us spend a major portion of our life in search.
We search and we search. We look in books, and buy the latest expert advice promising to guide us to the answers. We watch Oprah Winfrey (certainly, she must know). If not then one of her guests, after all they have written a book. We go to the seminars, lectures, workshops, and buy the latest infomercial gadget, program, and miracle that will only take seven days.
When that has not worked, we watch The Secret, because that must be it! It must be a secret and that is why you do not have it yet. Still even after The Secret and all the advice, gizmos, gadgets and promises of the life you want--you still find yourself searching.
Searching and searching yet never finding the answer you need. You know it is out there. You are sure it is. As long as you keep looking, you will find it. After all you deserve to have a great relationship, earn money at a career you like, lose weight and find your happiness, don’t you?
What if you could find the answer, what would you do? I am sure that to find how to accomplish the results you want you would do just about anything, wouldn’t you?
You would. Wouldn’t you?
Of course, you would.
I am glad you agree. You would do what it takes to find the answer you have searched for with such investment. Since we agree, I am going to reveal the answer you have been searching for, right here, right now. However, I reveal it with the agreement that you will to do what it takes for this answer. You said you would. If not, read no further. You are willing to do what it takes? If you agree, then proceed to discover the answer to everything you want.
Caution Caution Caution
Proceed only if you want to create the life you want…
In order to be able to read the answer you will need a mirror. You don’t think the answer will be in plain sight, do you? If it were that simple, surely you would have found it already. On the other hand, maybe it has been in plain sight. You just missed it all these years.
Ok, take a good look in the mirror. Keep looking. Just stare straight into it. See the answer? You did not see it yet? Come on, take a good look, you cannot miss it.
Still not seeing it? You must have the mirror at the wrong angle. Try shifting it or take a step closer and really stare into that mirror. Now you see it, don’t you? If you are still confused, let me help you.
When you stare into the mirror what you see is yourself. What else is there? If you are really staring into the mirror, that is all you should see, just yourself, and there is the answer! You have searched and searched all your life. But the answer to everything you want is ---- YOU!
You don’t need an expert or a gizmo, a secret or a seminar to create the life you want. The power to create the life you want is in you and it has been there all this time. All you need to do is exercise your power to take action.
You want a relationship? Then work on making yourself the best you can. After all, don’t you want someone who is attracted to you when you are active and passionate about your life? So if you like tennis, play tennis. Go to the places and do the activities you want a person to be with you doing. Then take your power, and date. Take the great You out, find ways to date, you will find someone, and over time the relationship will develop.
That person in the mirror has the power to exercise, eat right and get in great shape.
Don’t like your job? Then get training, more education, update your resume and search for a new job. Tired of not having money? Examine how you spend it and make a decision to create more wealth in your life. Whatever it is you want, there is action you can take to create it. The power to change your life is you.
Now, since you agreed that if I would reveal this answer you will do what it takes, here’s where you live up to your end of the bargain.
That is what every successful person you see and envy knows, and does. They do not buy into shortcuts and secrets. They know the responsibility to create the life they want is with them—with the decisions and actions they take.
This is the answer to creating the life you want.
Hi Guys
Here's a inner ATTITUDE builder (AKT) - make a small list (3-5) of people you feel are really confident- these maybe real people you know- people you have watched from the movies or read in books-
Now imagine one of these people taking your place for a day- now in as much detail as you can create a fantasy of that person living your life for that day-
How does that person deal with talking to new people? How does that person hold himself in a conflict situation? How does that person deal with others? How does he dress, dance, etc.
Once you have run through that few time (2-3) repeat it over only this still imagine you have stepped in side you hosts body, and you are looking through his eyes, feeling with his hands, talking with his words, and doing everything in he is doing-
Once you have done that 2-3 time- Run through the same situations again only you do it by yourself, yet have your confidence buddy walking a long side you and you let him lead and you just mimic him-
Once you practice this 3-5 times a day for 5-7 minutes at a time after a little while- a few days weeks, your brain will habituate the process and start to run this automatically- all you need to do from time to time create tougher and tougher situations to deal/cope with- and your will see a huge leap in your business.
To improve your peak performance using NUTRITION: CLICK HERE
Even people with the best intentions sometimes fall short on their nutrient intake. For some people health supplement offers benefits that are both safe and effective. Health supplement may help when:
You're pregnant or trying to become pregnant.
During this time, you need more of certain nutrients, especially calcium, folate and iron. Folate is needed very early in pregnancy to help protect your baby against neural tube birth defects, such as incomplete closure of the spine (spina bifida). Iron helps prevent fatigue by helping you make the red blood cells necessary to deliver oxygen to you and your baby. Your doctor can recommend a dietary supplement. It's important to start taking a supplement before becoming pregnant.
You’re always on a diet.
If you're restricting your caloric intake significantly, there's a good chance that you're undernourished. Consider supplementing your diet with a general multivitamin with added calcium to ensure you're meeting your daily nutritional needs. Although vitamin supplementation isn't a substitute for healthy eating, it can serve a purpose in certain groups of people who don't get an adequate intake of fruits, vegetables, meat, or dairy based products. If you fit into one of these categories, ask your doctor if vitamin supplements would be right for you. In the meantime work on getting more vitamins and nutrients from your diet so you can stay healthy and strong.
You're a woman who has heavy menstrual bleeding. If you have heavy menstrual bleeding, you may need additional iron to replace the iron depleted by blood loss. Iron deficiency can lead to anemia, a condition in which blood is low in hemoglobin, the substance which carries oxygen to tissues. You're a postmenopausal woman. After menopause, women experience a sudden drop in estrogen levels, which increases bone loss. To keep bones strong and to decrease bone loss, you need calcium as well as vitamin D — the vitamin essential for absorbing calcium. Women who don't obtain enough calcium and vitamin D through foods could benefit from taking a calcium supplement with vitamin D.
You’re primarily a fast food eater.
If you eat on the run and frequent the notoriously unhealthy fast food restaurants, you may want to consider supplementing with a multivitamin. Many fast foods and convenience foods are notably lacking in nutritional value. A multivitamin is an inexpensive way for you to make sure you're meeting your daily requirements. Keep in mind that getting your nutrient requirements from supplements is not ideal since we don't know whether supplementation is as effective as getting your vitamins through food.
You have a medical condition that affects how your body absorbs, uses or excretes nutrients.
If your diet has limited variety because of food allergies or intolerance to certain foods, such as dairy products, you may benefit from a dietary supplement. Also, if you have a disease of your liver, gallbladder, intestines or pancreas, or if you've had surgery on your digestive tract, you may not be able to digest and absorb nutrients properly. In such cases, your doctor may recommend that you take dietary supplements. You consume less than 1,200 calories a day. Low-calorie diets limit the types and amounts of foods you eat and, in turn, the types and amounts of nutrients you receive. Unless monitored by a doctor, a low-calorie diet isn't usually recommended.
You smoke.
Tobacco decreases the absorption of many vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, folate, magnesium and calcium. But dietary supplements won't make up for the major health risks caused by smoking. The safest option is to avoid all tobacco products. You're a vegetarian. If you're a vegetarian, you may not consume enough calcium, iron, zinc and vitamins B-12 and D. You can get these nutrients naturally from non-meat sources, such as fortified soy products, green leafy vegetables, legumes, whole-grain products and nuts. If you aren't able to regularly consume these foods, dietary supplements may be necessary.
You can’t drink milk or eat cheese and yogurt.
Dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese are the biggest dietary sources of calcium and vitamin D. The greatest health risk associated with a lack of calcium and vitamin D is osteoporosis, a disease characterized by fragile bones that are more susceptible to fractures. This is especially important for adolescent and young adult women.
You drink excessively.
Long-term excessive alcohol consumption can impair the digestion and absorption of several vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B-1, iron, zinc, magnesium and folate. In addition, you may substitute alcohol for food, resulting in a diet lacking in essential nutrients. Excessive drinking is defined as more than two drinks a day for men under age 65 and more than one drink a day for men over 65 and women. Taking dietary supplements, however, won't make up for the major health risks caused by excessive alcohol consumption You don't eat well. If you eat less than five total servings of fruits and vegetables daily, it may be difficult to get all of the vitamins and minerals your body needs. Also, if you eat only one or two times a day, you may be limiting the number and variety of servings you eat from the various food groups.
To improve your peak performance using NUTRITION: CLICK HERE
Want to slim down fast for that beach vacation or school reunion or prom? While there are many things you can do to shed pounds, losing weight too quickly, like any sudden change to your body, can be dangerous. While fad diets, diet pills, and fasting may indeed induce rapid weight loss, these methods can cause you to lose muscle and may also injure your heart and other organs fairly quickly. The best solution? Don’t go for an overnight miracle. Instead, follow these steps to lose fat rapidly, healthily, and sustainably.
In the month of May we are giving away FREE samples. To get your FREE sample simply email abbylaptops@gmail.com with the subject FREE SAMPLE WANTED FOR 7 DAY CREAMTogether with your NAME & MOBILE NUMBER so we can confirm your request The 7 Day Cream - MNA Series whitens your face in just 7 days. The unique active ingredients of moisture and nutrient can promote skin metabolism,and increase the cell activity and elasticity. It is especially effective to control acne blemish and chap on your skin. And it can also eliminate the harsh environment injury to the skin, like scars. NOTE: The distributor box sold at $528 contains 12 units of the 7 Day Cream. $44 each To get distributor pricing you need to order a minimum of 12 quantities. In the month of May we are giving away FREE samples. To get your FREE sample simply email abbylaptops@gmail.com with the subject FREE SAMPLE WANTED FOR 7 DAY CREAM Together with your NAME & MOBILE NUMBER so we can confirm your request. |
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